Case List




Awaiting Punishment

Accused: Deadshot_2004

Accused's Rank: Lieutenant

Summary of Investigation: The accused was reported through the department complaints center for driving a milcot during a C/W VP to catch up with the MP who was on the VP with them as they had to handle something. However, the accused used lights and sirens to speed down the road to catch up but he Desynced a PPS car and hit a civilian car in the process.

A person commits an offense against a civilian

A person drives a vehicle recklessly

A person disobeys the lawful command of a superior officer.


Exhibit Summaries: The exhibit shows the accused getting into the milcot and then using the ELS while driving down towards the MP while doing this he Desyncs a black car and after that he Desyncs another car before going the other way towards the MP, he did apologize to the civ for desyncing his car, however.

jakePGX12 cjk1672 ThuroNasa

Conclusion: In conclusion, I find the accused guilty of the above charges due to the proof clearly showing what he did the accused also admitted that he was negligent.

Desired Punishment: 48h Suspension with a PT reprimand of 100 jumping jacks and 1 lap around CFBO.

Investigator: xxxpixelatorxxx

Approved By: blonk_2OO4




Under Investigation

Accused: Jack1222229

Accused's Rank: Private (Trained)

Summary of Investigation: The accused was reported via the Departmental Complaints Center for breaking ROE and the COSD.

78(f) - A person commits an offense against a civilian
115(c) - A person uses a Canadian Armed Forces Weapon for an unauthorized purpose
116(c) - A person uses/permits the use of excessive force
128 - A person abusively performs an imposed duty


Exhibit Summaries: Exhibit A - You can see that the accused opened fire on a trespasser who didn't show any signs of violence which would've warranted the use of lethal force.



Desired Punishment:

Investigator: sunnyswat

Approved By:




Awaiting Approval

Accused: KAM1KAZE09

Accused's Rank: Corporal

Summary of Investigation: KAM1KAZE09 was reported to SIU by 6dcry for wearing a SOFCOM affiliated uniform that had the CIC patches on it. KAM1KAZE09 was on civilian team when he was caught by Davidka100, who was on PPS.

Rules and Regulations: Off-duty Crime
You cannot commit crime while wearing any CAF, CFMP or CANSOFCOM affiliated uniform, or/and gear, which includes the Lanyard as well.


Exhibit Summaries: Exhibit A shows Davidka100 on PPS, with KAM1KAZE09 in cuffs and wearing a SOFCOM uniform, likely a custom one. KAM1KAZE09 can also be seen saying "you actual idiot", "I dare you to give me it" (in response to Davidka100 questioning if he should charge for impersonation), and "i'll report you both".
Exhibit B shows the model of the skin/uniform KAM1KAZE09 was wearing, which is a SF uniform with the CIC patches.


Conclusion: I, Corporal tristeno1, find the accused, Corporal KAM1KAZE09, not guilty of the charge listed above. However, I will be send the accused a notice noting that him and his "group" should refrain from testing outfits that look similar to CAF/SF uniforms on Ottawa, as to avoid confusion in the future. I find the accused not guilty as they stated, and provided evidence proving validity, that they were testing outfits in different lighting conditions and environments for another group that the accused "co-owns' with another person. As far as I can tell, the group is valid, as is the claim above. Due to the confusion caused by the testing on Ottawa however, I reached my punishment of a notice that they should refrain from testing CAF/SF related gear on Ottawa.

Desired Punishment: Notice sent to DM's explaining that testing gear similar to SF gear on Ottawa is ill-advised.

Investigator: tristeno1

Approved By:




Under Investigation

Accused: ApolloVylor

Accused's Rank: Corporal

Summary of Investigation: ApolloVylor was reported to the Complaints Centre for wrongly detaining a RCMP Officer for careless driving at the Entry Point.

Statement from reporter "cuffing rcmp as cfmp when i wasnt tresspassing, he also handed me off for arrest to a staff sergeant lol.............. all i did was drive bad at EP"

R&R: You may carry handcuffs on your person at all times whilst on-duty. You must use the handcuffs responsibly, forcible confinement is not taken lightly.
RCMP CANNOT be arrested, or detained, unless they actively attempt to cross the Checkpoint Entry Point of The National Defense Headquarters.


Exhibit Summaries: In the screenshot provided, you can see ApolloVylor telling the suspect hes being detained for being a nuisance at EP, and as R&R states, you can not do that, eg: (detain arrest, etc) unless you try to cross the Entry Point of the National Defense Headquarters.



Desired Punishment:

Investigator: Aristicals

Approved By:




Awaiting Punishment

Accused: BobAthdrivar

Accused's Rank: Trooper

Summary of Investigation: The accused was reported through the complaints center for letting multiple unauthorized people in a car into CFBO.

A person negligently performs an imposed duty.


Exhibit Summaries: The screenshot shows a close up of the Troopers name and the car that he let in. The video also shows him letting the car in and then following it while it drives around CFBO the Trooper did not attempt to stop them.


Conclusion: In conclusion I find the accused guilty of the above charges due to the video clearly showing what they did and the interviews also back up what is shown in the video.

Desired Punishment: Physical Reprimand of 100 Jumping Jacks and 1 lap around CFBO.

Investigator: xxxpixelatorxxx

Approved By: Redacted_Nac




Awaiting Approval

Accused: Deadshot_2004

Accused's Rank: Lieutenant

Summary of Investigation: Lieutenant Deadshot_2004 was reported anonymously using the complaints center for aother case of violating promotion regulations.

Code of Service Discipline:

A person disobeys the lawful command of a superior officer.


Exhibit Summaries: Exhibit #1 is the CA Promotion Regulations document issued by MGen Craft_Law (now CraftDynamics)

Exhibit #2 is a QOR promotion date document that was also used in the previous investigation regarding free ranking in QOR:

Exhibit #3 is screenshots of MWO Globe309's promotion dates in the promotion logs channel, which clearly show a 1 month gap between his promotions. (Do note that the 13th of June promotion log was deleted by Lieutenant-Colonel PappaSoupDog after the MWO's subsequent demotion back to WO, the LCol has been warned to not delete logs)

Exhibit #4 is a screenshot of the interview with the accused.

Report submitter cannot be accounted for since they are unknown, and a witness interview was not needed in this case.

Conclusion: After reviewing this case and the previous one involving Lieutenant Colonel PappaSoupDog, I have determined that the accused is not guilty of the charges mentioned above.

When the accused went to check promotion logs, he found a 1 month gap between MWO Globe309's promotion logs, which in this case would've given him the green light to proceed with the promotion.

Globe309 was demoted from MWO to WO previously after the outcome of the case against Lieutenant-Colonel PappaSoupDog regarding free ranking in QOR, however, it was never mentioned that the promotion timer will be reset after the demotion, nor is it an actual existing rule. So in reality, Globe's last promotion would've been on the 31st of May, not on the 13th of June (which is the date of the deleted promotion log).

In the eyes of the accused, when he went to check for Globe's promotion dates, he only found the 31st of May and the 30th of June dates, and he wouldn't have known about the existence of the 13th of June promotion log.

Desired Punishment: None.

Investigator: MindlessDynamics

Approved By: blonk_2OO4




Awaiting Approval

Accused: 433x213

Accused's Rank: Officer Cadet

Summary of Investigation: The report was made via the complaints center, the Officer Cadet was reported for insulting and obstructing an RCMP Officer, as well as impeding the road while he was on duty.

Whilst on duty you must have a mature and professional attitude.
Whilst on-duty you must have mutual respect for all persons and property.


Exhibit Summaries: Firstly, you can see the accused standing in front of the road before the RCMP Officer hits him. Then the accused can be seen standing on the officer's vehicle saying "Can you learn to drive?" before saying "Are you dumb" which provokes the RCMP officer to get out of his vehicle and escalates the situation.


Conclusion: In conclusion the Special Investigation Unit finds the accused guilty on the grounds that he should not be in the middle of the road telling others how to drive or disrespecting them.

Desired Punishment: PT consisting of 35JJs & 2 laps around CFBO.

Investigator: xXmini5Xx

Approved By: blonk_2OO4



Blink_2004, JamesSiege

Under Investigation

Accused: Blink_2004, JamesSiege

Accused's Rank: Master Corporal, Brigadier General

Summary of Investigation: The accused were reported to the complaints centre for abuse of admin on Kingston.

A person misuses any extra privileges/power given to them (ie. Admin, supervisory power).


Exhibit Summaries: In the video titled "Blink_flashbang" you can see Blink_2004 throwing a flashbang before quickly leaving the game. In The video titled "James_Stabby" you see JamesSiege stabbing the air with a knife, PCWO kaninis1135 then removes his tools and James continues to give himself fists.



Desired Punishment:

Investigator: enigmaic

Approved By:




Awaiting Punishment

Accused: Lixm_UD

Accused's Rank: Master Corporal

Summary of Investigation: The accused was reported to the Special Investigations Unit for Administrative Permission abuse during a Basic Military Qualification in the presence of multiple Recruits.

A person misuses any extra privileges/power given to them (ie. Admin, supervisory power)

A person behaves in a cruel or disgraceful manner.


Exhibit Summaries: Exhibit Alpha demonstrates the accused equipping Canadian Special Operations Forces Command weaponry as well as a fragmentation grenade with an unknown intention. The accused is a member of the branch however it is unsure if equipping a fragmentation grenade is legal in this sense within their regulations, nor the usage of a firearm with unclear intentions.
Exhibit Bravo demonstrates the accused and fellow accomplices who were punished by different authorities using admin commands in an abusive manner with the Basic Military Qualification in the background. The firework and jail command were used by the accused in a malicious manner.

Dudey_Rhino, Initial Reporter

Lixm_UD, Accused Defense Statement

Conclusion: The accused is clearly seen abusing administrative permissions during a Basic Military Qualification in the presence of multiple recruits. It is unknown the intentions of the user in regards to equipping a firearm and fragmentation grenade . Nonetheless, the accused is found guilty of charges 75 (Kilo) and Charge 96 within the Code of Service Discipline.

Desired Punishment will be issued as stated below.

Desired Punishment: PT Reprimand consisting of 80 Jumping jacks.

Investigator: seanalexander8

Approved By: blonk_2OO4




Awaiting Punishment

Accused: XxvortexXX666

Accused's Rank: Private (Trained)

Summary of Investigation: User was reported to the complaints center for a R&R violation, specifically, firing at fleeing cars.

116(c) - A person uses/permits the use of excessive force.
78(f) - A person commits an offense against a civilian

Rules and Regulations; Rules of Engagement
You may only shoot to disable a vehicle if it is being used as a deadly weapon and is likely to cause: death or serious bodily harm should it hit you or someone else.
You may fire upon a vehicle in motion, if it has enemy combatants actively engaging from said vehicle.

Rules and Regulations; Rules of Engagement
If you’re fired upon from a location beyond the fog or is too far for you to identify exactly who or where the shooting is coming from, take cover and do not return fire, innocent civilians may be in that general direction.


Exhibit Summaries: Exhibit A is a video taken from the POV of the reporter, djhonderco56, shows the accused, XxvortexXX666 firing on a object beyond the range of vision of djhonderco56, but it can be assumed he was firing on a car, specifically a blue Mustang as the accused indicated through a radio call that there was a blue Mustang last seen at CFBO, and os_moonlight making a similar radio call shortly before the accused fired. Following the incident, djhonderco56 questions the XxvortexXX66 on his actions, asking why he (XxvortexXX66) fired on a fleeing car, and informing him that that is against the R&R. The accused then states they fired because they were fired upon by the driver of the car, and reacts to the statement about that violating the R&R by stating they "Didn't mean to".

djhonderco56 (Reporter)

Conclusion: I, tristeno1, find the accused, XxvortexXX666, guilty on all charges. This verdict is reached based on interviews and extensive review of Exhibit A, which showed the accused firing upon a vehicle that was fleeing after firing upon CFBO, but not actively posing a danger to the public or any personnel at CFBO. The vehicle was also beyond the LOS of XxvortexXX666 when he opened fire on the vehicle, which could have put civilians in harms way. Due to the nature of this incident, I have seen fit to hand down a 3 day suspension. I find this reasonable as the nature of the crime endangered civilians, but this is also the first time that the accused had been on team, according to Zer0white. XxvortexXX666 was also unaware of the R&R provision about firing upon object beyond the line of sight, and while this doesn't excuse the acts of vortex, they do serve to provide an avenue to lesser punishment. Due to this, I also recommend the accused be retrained on the R&R so as to prevent another incident like this from occurring in the future.

Desired Punishment: 48 hour suspension & retraining on the Rules and Regulations, specifically the ROE.

Investigator: tristeno1

Approved By: blonk_2OO4

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